Thursday, April 8, 2010


I have to start this post by saying that I am so disappointed in how these pictures turned out. The lighting just wasn't right or something. Probably user malfunction, but hey......
One of my sweet childhood friends (we go WAY back) called me the other day and asked if I'd paint something for one of her good friends that is going to have a baby soon. After talking about the painting and bedding a bit, I asked her who it was. I was ecstatic when she told me the momma-to-be's name.... She was my OB nurse in Roswell when I had Grayer. She actually admitted me that night, and stayed with me during labor and delivery until she went off call after he had been born. She was so sweet and calm, and I was so thankful to have a "good nurse" (you all know what I mean if you've had a baby!). Liz- if you ever look at this blog, it was an honor to paint something for you and sweet baby Parker. I hope you love it! onto the painting

Her bedding is so darn cute for a little boy's room. It's CocaLo couture bedding, and it's the Aidan Collection. Stripes, circles, and houndstooth in shades of denim blue, dark red, cream, tan, and gold. It also has chocolate brown around the borders. So cute. Love it. This picture is off of a baby bedding site.

So the outside border is the dark chocolate brown, with the circles wrapping around the edges (I never got a good shot of the sides). Yes, there are red circles, they just didn't show up in this picture. There's a small band of houndstooth towards the bottom, which is really fun. Ashley requested a scripture on the canvas, and she wanted one of my all time faves...."you knit me together in my mother's womb....psalms 139:13. Used a different font for the name and scripure.

You can see more details in this one.....the houndstooth, stripes, shading. On the bedding, the blue stripes almost have two tones to them, and I tried to achieve that on the painting. I chopped up an old brush pretty bad (imagine how your hair stylist chops up into your hair with scissors, you know what I'm talking about??). Well, that brush got a hairCUT! It left behind some scraggly old bristles, but that was just right for dragging on the highlights without them being too thick.

I love this's very cute for a litte boy

1 comment:

  1. I love that it is neutral and that I could use it again with another boy or a little girl.

    baby bedding
