Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Janda's Art

I just finished two paintings for my sweet friend, Janda. The first was for Adyson, her 3 year old, and the second one was for Aubyn, baby girl due any day!!

This is what Ady's bedding looks like. Actually, this is what it was like, but she had it cut up and re-sewn into big girl bedding. The pattern is called Scribbles.

Ady's painting

I took these pictures at night in my bedroom, and they didn't turn out well. With the flash they were too bright, and without they were too dark......So when Janda gets them up in the girls' rooms, maybe she can send me some better pictures and I can post them! I put 1 Samuel 1:27 on Ady's painting at Janda's request!

little flowers on the sides; you can see the dark brown scribbles in this picture

And here's Aubyn's bedding....isn't it to die for??!!?? It's Cocalo Harlow Couture bedding. I love the color combination. They painted an accent wall in her nursery of hot pink, which looks amazing with the green and black.

This one's a monster, ya'll. It was 4feet long by 2feet wide. I have to admit, it's my favorite one to date that I've painted. Lots of tedious drawing, but worth it!

Another shot of the full length

I wanted a pearl look around the border, so I used FABRIC PAINT! I didn't know if it would work, but it did! Love how that part turned out.

The edges are striped, like on the crib bumper

Don't you love her name??

Can't wait for your arrival, Aubyn Elizabeth!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Perfect Stockings

If you get Ballard Designs catalog, then you've seen these adorable stockings for sale for $35 a piece!!! Now I don't know about you, but I would never pay that for a stocking. That would be almost $150 for a family of four, just for stockings! But, when I saw them, I wanted them so bad. Enter my ever so talented mom! I bought some fabric, showed her the catalog, and within 2 weeks I had my very own adorable stockings. Check 'em out!

picture from Ballard Designs

And my beauties! I had the monogramming done here at a local place. It was $25 for all four monograms, $8 on upholstery fabric from Hobby Lobby, and $6 on leopard fabric and pompoms from Wal-Mart. Total cost of all 4 stockings = about $40 (mucho better than $150!)

so pretty

my mantel, complete now with our personalized stockings!

and here's gigantor tree.....this thing is tall and huge in diameter at the bottom, but we love her