Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brinley's Art and Kerri's Canvas

I just completed 2 canvases as gifts! The first was for my cousin Charla's sweet new baby girl, Brinley. Her bedding is gorgeous.....lovin' the black and white again. Here's a pic of the bumper, one side patterned and the other striped.

I wanted to add a little color, so the backrground was a very pale turquoisish gray, and the lettering is in red.

polka dots for the border!

a side view of the stripes

And onto the next one......this is a picture of my sister-in-laws bedding. It's adorable......from Anthropologie. She wanted a big canvas, 2ft by 4ft, to hang over the bed. She requested the big flower. So, here is what I came up with!

I like the simplicity of just the large flowers. I was going to add something else, but decided the canvas would look too crowded if I did. The background color is a shade of green.

Close up of the flowers....I haven't seen it hanging yet, but hope this is what she wanted!

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